U9, U11 and U13 Advanced Summer Camps
The Advanced Summer Camps are geared towards kids who played U9 Divs 1-2, U11 Divs AA - 3 and U13 AA - Div 3. If your child is a first year U9 player and you felt their skill level was near the top of their Timbits team they are welcome to take part in the U9 Camp. These camps focus on the fundamentals and will focus primarily on Power Skating, Edge Control, Puck Handling, Stick handling, Small Area Games and Shooting. The ice sessions will have a balance of both full ice and station based drills providing a balance that allows for repetition leading to increased skill acquisition.
Each day will consist of two off ice sessions; one team building activity and one off ice conditioning session. During the team building activities we will focus on leadership and goal setting activities. The off ice conditioning sessions are geared towards increasing the players agility, balance, coordination, and speed. It will ultimately make each player stronger and as a result they will increase their on ice skills. This camp will provide lots of opportunity for personal growth on and off the ice. These camps will be lots of fun and are guaranteed to prepare our participants for the 2025-2026 Season.
On Ice Sessions - These camps focus on the fundamentals and will focus primarily on Power Skating, Edge Control, Puck Handling, Stick Handling, Small Area Games and Shooting. The ice sessions will have a balance of both full ice and station based drills providing a balance that allows for repetition leading to increased skill acquisition.
Off Ice Conditioning - The off ice conditioning will focus on physical literacy for the participants, which means we will focus on Agility, Balance, Coordination and Speed (A,B,C’S). With a focus on these specific skill sets we will increase the player’s basic motor skills off ice, which will ultimately lead to better on ice skills. The off ice conditioning will ultimately make each player stronger and as result they will increase their on ice skills.
Leadership - The leadership sessions are designed to help increase the players' knowledge and confidence in working in a team dynamic. The leadership sessions are incorporated through outdoor small area games. These games will work on physical literacy while incorporating team building components.
Each of our summer camps will be instructed by experienced instructors who have the knowledge, passion and abilities to effectively and efficiently teach your son or daughter. We guarantee a 1 to 4 ratio for instructors to participants, which ensures your son or daughter is receiving ample instruction and feedback throughout the course of the week.
Show Case Fridays!
At the conclusion of each weeks camp players will take part in a show case game where they can show family and friends the progress they have made. Our show case games include individual player announcements, along with music in between stoppages of play.
Location of the MHD Summer Camps
The Summer Camps will take place at the Trico Leisure Centre located at 11150 Bonaventure Drive SE.
The cost of the camp is $575 + Service Fees for players and $249 + Service Fees for Goalies.
The registration fees include:
- 1:4 Player to Coach Ratio
- 10 - 1.25 Hr Ice Times
- Summer Camps Hockey Jersey
- Water Bottle
- Hockey Show Case Friday!
The U9 and U11 Camps will be limited to a maximum of 24 Skaters and 2 Goalies.
The U13 Camps will be limited to a maximum of 12 Forwards, 8 D Men and 2 Goalies.
- CSA Approved Hockey Equipment and hockey stick (s)
- Street Hockey Stick
- Bag Lunch and snacks
- Off ice clothes and runners
U13 Advanced Camp - August 11-15, 2025
U13 Advanced Summer Camp (2014-2013 Born) Schedule
- 2 Player Spots available as of Jan 22, 2025. Goalie Spots Full - click here to be waitlisted
U9, U11 and U13 Advanced Camp - Aug 18-22, 2025
U9 Advanced Summer Camp (2018-2017 Born) Schedule
- U9 Adv Camp is full - click here to be waitlisted
U11 Advanced Summer Camp (2016-2015 Born) Schedule
- U11 Adv Camp is full - click here to be waitlisted
U13 Advanced Summer Camp (2014-2013 Born) Schedule
- U13 Adv Camp is Full - click here to be waitlisted
U9 and U11 Advanced Camp - Aug 25-29, 2025
U9 Advanced Summer Camp (2018-2017 Born) Schedule
- U9 Adv Camp Player Spots are full - click here to be waitlisted. 1 Goalie Spot Available as of Jan 22, 2025.
U11 Advanced Summer Camp (2016-2015 Born) Schedule
- U11 Adv Camp is Full - click here to be waitlisted
More Information
For more information on the Summer Camp please contact:
Trevor Morgan
Cell: 403.919.5220